Upload Local Data

Upload local file

To upload a local file, click Get Data->Upload File on the left panel, then you will see the file uploading interface. Click Choose local file to upload your file.

Most of times, galaxy tools can automatically detect uploaded file types. But you can manually set type for a single file or all files when uploading files.

Change data type

You can also change the data type after the file has been uploaded to Galaxy. In the example below, the uploaded file V_corymbosum_scaffold_May_2013.fa.gff3 is supposed to be in .gff3 format, but Galaxy detects it as a .gff file.

Go to the history panel on the right, click the dataset that you want to change data type. Click the pencil icon, then click Datatype on the new interface. Select the correct data type and click Save.

Click the Galaxy logo on the top left to go back to the home page. You will the data type is now .gff3.