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Tripal Showcase
Tripal HeadQuarters
Tripal HQ provides a user-contributed content control center and administrative toolbox for your Tripal site. This means that users are able to create whatever Chado content you...
Tripal JBrowse Instance
Tripal JBrowse Instance provides a Tripal field to link entities to their corresponding JBrowse instances.
Tripal Devseed
Tripal DevSeed is a miniature dataset designed to instruct new users for loading data into a Tripal site. Once loaded, it is ideal for site testing.
Tripal Analysis Expres...
Tripal Analysis Expression lets you load in biomaterials and expression data into Chado. It provides heatmap and bar plot visualizations.
Tripal Test Suite
Tripal Test suite adds PHPUnit testing and Travis Continuous Integration to your module!
Tripal Fields Generator
Tripal Fields Generator is a command line tool for creating Tripal Fields!
Tripal cMap
Load and view genetic map data.
Tripal SSR
Load in primer information for amplifying predicted simple sequence repeats (SSRs).
Tripal Ortholog
Load and display gene ortholog information.
Tripal Manage Analyses
Custom fields for entity lists displayed on organism, analysis, and feature pages.
Tripal Elasticsearch
Manage Elasticsearch for your Tripal data. Features include cross-site searching, support for nodes and entities.
Tripal Curator
A curation toolbox for Chado properties.
Tripal CV Xray
Create browseable ontology trees for biological data.
Tripal Alchemist
Convert Tripal Entities from one bundle to another.
Wraps a Docker container running Tripal. Ideal for getting new developers up and running quickly.